SHINee in Music Bank

Sorry for late post, tadi ssc dulu sampe malem 🙂

omoooo look at jjong’s chest :0 *mimisan*

rambut taemin kaya..

credits: Unknowncarrot160 on youtube

SHINee – Hello on Hanteo Chart

credits: baobinh @ soompi, dkpopnews

SHINee is on 1st at TT! :D

SHINee Hello MV released!

credits: sment @ youtube

SHINee Hello pics scan (updated)

gyaaaaaaaaa ganteng mambo pacar ambooo~ >.< cing atuh Onew rambutnya gini aja jangan blateng kaya di lucifer o_O

abis Jjong pake outfit ini, leopard prints langsung jadi tren (?) btw, you’re looking hot as always Mr. Kim Jonghyun!

aaaah tatapan matanya itu looh.. *melting* tuh kan dasinya leopard prints lagi ._.

gantenggg tah kitu atuh botak sebelahnya tutupin :))

celananya leopard prints juga. love you taem! altough you’re grow up but you still have that innocent  face >.< what a forever baby!

credits: DCSHINee , kindegarten,keyboard, WRS

SHINee’s performance in Inkigayo

credits: jazryll96 on youtube

SHINee at MuBank

credits: UnknownCarrot160


quick update,

ini teaser MVnya, don’t forget to watch their comeback stage at Mubank!


and here it is the songs, i love hello and hana (one) so much! 🙂

credits: jenningyou on youtube